General Information
Types of Two-way Radios
There are two main configurations for two-way radios:
GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service): These high-power models operate on 1-2 watts and can use up to 22 channels. You need a license to use these. Originally GMRS was only available for commercial use, but you can now buy recreational GMRS radios. You do not need a license to simply purchase a GMRS radio set.
FRS (Family Radio Service): These models operate on a half-watt and can transmit on a total of 14 channels (though 22 channels are available). You do not need a license to use these, which is why most consumer models are FRS radios.
Additionally, you can break down two-way radio categories like this:
Hand-held: Your standard walkie talkie devices.
Vehicle mounted mobile: These mount on your vehicle, just as you would expect, and are able to take their power from your vehicle’s battery. You can augment their range with an external antenna.
Desktop base station: These can draw energy from your wall and function on AC power. Once again, you usually need external antenna to boost the range.
So those are the basics—now let’s talk about the range of a two-way radio set. Then we’ll talk about how that relates to power and antennas. We will then talk about channels and codes, compatibility, features, and batteries. We’ll wrap up by discussing
Range can vary quite a bit on handheld two-way radios. Some sets are good up to 8Km, while others may be good up to 20Km. Be very wary of that “up to” language that you see on packaging. These are best-case scenario claims. If you are standing on a flat plain right across from someone, you might actually get the full range.
Otherwise, with trees or buildings in the way, disrupting the signal, you will probably get a fraction of that range.
Here’s the bottom line: No matter what range you see on a package, you generally will only get reception for up to 2 miles. And if you are planning on using your radios in an urban area, good luck—you will have a very tough time getting good reception. Open line of sight conditions are best, preferably with flat terrain like rice fields, open sea level, or elevated places or top of buildings or structures overlooking view which the height avoids obstruction. Believe it or not, even your own body can block your signal.
One thing that is helpful to know about power is that it can boost your range! The higher the wattage, the better the range of your radios. For that reason, if it is very important for you to have a high range, it may be worth it for you to get a license to operate on GMRS channels.
Note that if you have GMRS radio, when you transmit on the FRS channels, you will automatically drop to a half-watt while you are operating on those channels. The higher wattage on the GMRS channels are exactly why you need a license to operate on those channels. You get a much stronger signal as a result. FRS channels will be sufficient for many purposes. Say for example that you manage a beach resort and are distributing radios to your employees or same floor office building. Since they will be operating them mostly within a small square radius, there will generally be no problem using the FRS channels.
The antenna is also important when you are considering range. The rule of thumb here is pretty simple: the longer/bigger the antenna, the better. Larger antennas will have a higher “effective radiated power,” which may extend your range. The only reason to go with a small antenna is if you have to in order to conveniently carry or store the device.
Otherwise, look for a model where the length of the antenna is the same as the length of the actual radio or close to it. And remember, if you are using a base station or vehicle-mounted unit, you will get much better transmission and reception if you add an external antenna.
This isn’t really an option with handheld models. Why not? Some models may give you the option of replacing the antenna with a different one, but if the new antenna isn’t properly tuned to the radio, your range may actually wind up being lower instead of higher.
No matter which type of radio you get, it will probably come with 16 channels, each with up to 121 “privacy” codes. These reduce interference on the same channel. The FRS band was created back in 1996. If you are an FRS radio user, you can use the 7 FRS channels as well as 7 channels that are shared with GMRS users, for a total of 14 channels. GMRS users can use these 14 channels plus the 8 channels designed exclusively for GMRS use.
If you are in a busy area where a lot of people are using two-way radios, you may hear interference on all of the channels. This is very common in resorts and on park grounds. For this reason, radios come equipped with privacy codes called CTCSS or CDCSS (Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System or Continuous Digital Coded Squelch System, respectively). These allow you to use the same channels as other users, but speak privately without interference. So four users could all use Channel 4, for example, but the first two could use Code 2 and the second two could use Code 3.
The conversations will not be completely private; you may still occasionally pick up chatter from other code channels, but it will be greatly reduced. Snatches of your conversation may also be overheard by other users. And don’t forget—any user can call up your channel and code and listen to your entire conversation! Note if you and another user try to simultaneously transmit on one channel, nothing will be transmitted.
There are of course situations where you want everyone to be able to hear each other on one channel, and not just two people. If you are purchasing these radios for your resort staff, for example, each department will probably use one channel, and you may also have a channel for lodge-wide communications. You want your entire team to be able to communicate, and the fewer channels you make use of, the better, since that way everyone will be tuned to the right one.

What about compatibility? Radios with the same set of features will be able to transmit to one another with ease. So all modern radios should be compatible. If you have an older radio, it may not be able to send out the same tones as your newer models. If this is the case, try setting your new model to code 0 on channel 1. By default, it is probably set to code 1, which your old model cannot necessarily pick up or transmit on.
Now let’s talk about how you will keep your radios running. The majority of two-way radios function on AA and AAA batteries, usually your regular alkaline variety. Others include rechargeable battery packs (NiMH or NiCad). The most flexible option is to purchase a radio that can use both. Why? Rechargeable batteries are excellent for saving you money, but they tend to lose their charge quickly.
If you get a model which is compatible with both types of batteries, you can use your rechargeable batteries, but switch to regular alkaline batteries as a backup if you need to. You may also find a model which includes a solar charger that you can use while you are out in the wild. We also recommend that you look for a battery-saver mode as an extra feature; this will drop your radio into a low-power mode when you are not using it. Chinese brand radios have more become modern, they incorporate the new technology battery (Li-ion) which boasts "no need to drain battery before charging". Now, charging anytime is possible. Surprisingly small and lightweight and longer talk time expected.
Here are some additional features you can look for in your two-way radio set:
VOX: is also known as “Voice Activated Transmit.” With this feature, you can use the radio hands-free. When you speak, the radio will pick up on it and start transmitting automatically. These are excellent for everyone, but particularly makes a great choice for workers or for people doing sports.
MIL-STD or MIL-SPEC: If your radio is marked with either of these, it has been designed to meet military specifications. This means that it meets a certain threshold for reliability, durability, and compatibility, and that it will stand up to exposure to different environmental factors. If you will be skiing or hiking in harsh environments, the military rating is a good one to look for.
IP: This stands for “Ingress Protection.” It is a rating that tells you how effectively your radio is sealed against dust and moisture. If you know you will be using your radios regularly in conditions with a great deal of dust or precipitation, you may want to pay close attention to the IP rating of the model you are thinking of purchasing.
Noise filter: This feature will help to clarify and boost your signal.
Keypad lock: You can use this to lock your settings. That way you will not lose them while you are doing your activities.
Headset jack: Self-explanatory. You can use this to hook up a headset for hands-free operation. This is great for sports.
GPS: Some radios actually offer GPS, so you can use them not only to communicate, but to find your way around as well. Better yet, you can use them to transmit your location to other users and check where they are. If you are out hiking, mountaineering, riding motorcycle with friends, this is a great way to keep track of each other, and an excellent safety feature. If someone gets too far ahead, falls behind, or takes a wrong turn, you will be able to locate them.
Two-way radios range widely in price. You will find cheap handsets as low as less than php1,000 and high-tech units which cost more than php10,000. A typical price range for a pair of radios is around php3,000. You can get a pretty solid set which will offer you some nice features in the php3,000 range each unit. The more you have to spend, the better you will get in terms of durability, reliability, power, and range.