Choosing your first Radio
You’ll often hear that a handheld transceiver is not the best first radio for a new ham, and for good reason, handheld transceivers, while they are a completely functioning station in one device, are among the

most limited transceivers available but often overlooked is the value of a handheld transceiver as a portable station that can be used at home, in the car, and in the field. Often the same folks that say that handheld transceivers aren’t good starter radios, recommend alternatives such as HF/VHF/UHF all mode rigs, while a multi band all mode rig offers a wide range of operating possibilities, they are often out of the new ham’s budget.
So, what makes a good first radio? It depends greatly on two things, what you will use the radio for, and your budget. People get amateur radio licenses for many reasons these days, some are interested in emergency communications, some, a technical hobby where building things and/or using cutting edge digital modes are most appealing, others just like to talk, and still some are lured to the hobby by tales of DX or from the short wave broadcast bands. Keeping these things in mind, different radio choices can be examined for their usefulness.
Handheld FM Transceivers
Handhelds tend to be fine transceivers for light emergency communications and public service events. The limited power of a handheld also means limited range, which may be OK for in town events, but problematic for more wide spread or regional events. Handheld range can be extended with aftermarket antennas and amplifiers, in fact a good aftermarket antenna is recommended for

emergency communications, even if you can access the local repeater just fine on the stock antenna, a more efficient antenna may allow you to use lower power, and give you a greater simplex range.
Handhelds don’t offer much in the way of technical challenges. They are mostly just a buy it, turn it on, and use it sort of thing. I suppose that one could build a few items such as an antenna, packet interface, or maybe a solar charger for their battery, but there is only so many technical projects you can squeeze out of a handheld.
One thing that handhelds are not good for is long use (long talk time). The reasons are obvious to the first time operator, short battery life, limited range, and most modern handhelds get pretty hot, especially when running from an external power source.
Mobile FM Transceivers
Mobile FM transceivers don’t necessarily have to be used in a vehicle,

they can be used as fixed stations or even portable with the proper battery, still making a mobile a fine choice for emergency communications. Obviously, not as portable and easy to deploy as a handheld, mobiles deployed in vehicles and fixed stations often benefit from better antenna installations and power availability, which also means the added expense of installing the antennas and feed line, as well as the purchase of power supply.
Most Mobiles are great for those who like to talk with other operators in their local area, from the fixed station, or the vehicle, they are much better at this task than a handheld, not only do they offer more power for direct communications, mobiles are designed with large heat sinks to dissipate the heat generated during those long conversations..
Single Band, Dual Band, TriBanders?
Many say this is up to one’s personal choice and budget. Generally, dual and tri band radios are more expensive than single band rigs, what a new ham should invest in isn’t always so clear. For emergency communications, it would be best to check with your local repeater members, find out what repeaters and simplex frequencies are

used. Many to most areas, local communications are handled on 2 meters, but if the local emergency services are using VHF high band, it may be difficult to operate in shared locations or on shared towers, so the local amateur radio volunteers may have decided that 70 centimeters (UHF) is the next best option.
Often we don't want to tie up a widely used 2 meter repeater in your area with a long conversation or big round table. Having another band option may make it easier to move to a repeater in the same location with similar coverage that doesn't see as much activity. Many clubs put repeaters on several bands at the same site, making the coverage fairly predictable.
HF, VHF, & UHF in one all mode radio
You may only have a technician license, and think that you aren't yet able to use the HF bands right away, recent rule changes have given Technicians voice, data, & CW on 10 meters, and CW on some other HF bands and the upgrade to General no longer requires a Morse code proficiency exam,

which makes the upgrade fairly easy. HF has a unique place in regards to emergency communications, making contact beyond the range of the local repeater, assuming it is still operating in a disaster, or beyond line of site for simplex is often accomplished by HF. Many states and regions have daily nets on set HF frequencies for passing routine traffic, these nets and frequencies become the backbone for regional amateur radio communications during disasters that may damage other communications infrastructure, including the amateur repeaters in the area. With VHF & UHF in that same radio, it makes a convenient platform for just about any situations.
The sections above are essentially in the order of what what it will cost you to get on the air. The single band handheld will be the least expensive method to get on the air, but most limited, while the HF/VHF+ rig will require a larger budget, but offers possibilities to

operate many aspects of amateur radio. With all radios, there will be extra expenses beyond the cost of the radio, with handhelds, you'll probably want an extra battery, and charger, and probably an aftermarket antenna. With everything else you'll need to add an antenna(s) and feedline, and power supply for fixed station use. Every ham should have at least a basic SWR meter and a multimeter to test their equipment, this is even more important when you are building your own antennas!
Other Considerations
The most economical HF/VHF/UHF rigs are designed primarily for mobile use. While these can certainly be used for fixed stations, they aren't the best tool for the job, and many seasoned operators won't hesitate to tell you so. Don't let that stop you from buying one if it is within your budget. If you were recently licensed or upgraded, you want to get on the air, so any radio is better than no radio! As time passes you might find that the mobile rig is just fine for the way you operate your fixed station, or you may decided that it is time to invest in a full sized fixed station HF transceiver and move the mobile to the car for just that, mobile. You may even want to keep that rig in the shack as a backup, or in a go kit with some battery power for emergencies. If nothing else, they generally have decent resale value.

Used radios can be a great deal, or a nightmare. I wouldn't recommend a beginner to buy a radio that they haven't seen work first. While online classifieds and auctions might seem like good deals, you just can't be sure. Hamfests and face to face meetings are the best way to buy. Turn it on, hit the local repeater, take a dummy load and watt meter to test the output of that HF rig, whatever you do don't spend a couple hundred dollars on something that is damaged beyond repair. Even better, take someone you trust with experience along, they may know via the grape vine that some radio models tend to develop specific problems, and how to spot those problems before you buy.
Ever wonder how transceivers work? here's the best works the same way as radio explained here